Development and implementation of software and hardware systems for SCADA and automation electric power meters. Design and turn-key construction of microprocessor of microprocessor systems for protection and automation, integration of microprocessor relay protection devices into SCADA systems.
Design and turn-key construction of switching equipment and substations from 400 V to 110 kV, all construction activities on construction of power generating plants for oil and gas installations, modernization (retrofit) of switching equipment and substations, wide application of modern power equipment and intelligent electronic devices.
Design, installation and maintenance of electric power supply systems, ventilation and air-conditioning systems, low-power circuitry, safety systems, CCTV monitoring at power plants, oil refineries, pulp-and-paper mills, saw mills and the timber processing industry, ore mining and processing plants.
Since 1999 the company has been working in the gas compressor field. Now we have the experience and competence to offer our customers a full service including the delivery of compressor units and comprehensive after-sales service.